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Debunking Common Myths: The Real Facts About Cancer Everyone Should Know

Date :30-May-2024

Myths and facts about cancer

Cancer is a word that conjures up feelings of fear and anxiety. It's also frequently associated with myths and misunderstandings, which can add to the difficulty of a situation that is already challenging. Many people continue to have obsolete or inaccurate attitudes about cancer, despite advances in medical research and treatment. The way people approach prevention, diagnosis, and treatment may be influenced by these beliefs, which could have an effect on their health outcomes. We will bust any beliefs regarding the effectiveness of cancer treatments, the causes of the disease, or the success rates of cancer patients. We want to provide you with information that will enable you to take a more proactive and practical approach to this devastating illness by demystifying cancer.

Debunking Common Myths: The Real Facts About Cancer Everyone Should Know

Myth 1: Cancer kills you, always.

Fact: Though it's untrue, this is one of the scariest misconceptions. Cancer therapies have greatly improved as a result of scientific advances in medicine. After receiving a diagnosis, many cancer types are now curable, and patients can lead long, healthy lives. Many patients have cure from their cancer or manage it as a chronic illness because of early detection and contemporary therapy.

Myth 2: Cancer is contagious.

Fact: Cancer cannot be transmitted from another person. Genetic alterations in a person's own cells are the root cause of cancer. Cancer is not communicative, although some viruses (such as hepatitis B and HPV) can raise the likelihood of developing the illness.

Myth 3: Only smokers get lung cancer.

Fact: Although it is a significant risk factor, lung cancer can also strike non-smokers. Lung cancer can also be caused by other things like breathing in air pollution, asbestos, and radon gas exposure. Inheritance and certain work-related risks also have an impact.

Myth 4: Eating sugar makes cancer worse.

Fact: It's a popular misconception that sugar fuels and accelerates the growth of cancer cells. Although it is true that cancer cells use more glucose than healthy cells do, there is no concrete proof that reducing sugar intake will halt the spread of cancer. On the other hand, a well-balanced diet can help the body while undergoing treatment and is essential for general health.

Myth 5: You won't get cancer if there is no family history of the disease.

Fact: While family history can influence cancer risk, most cancers are not purely hereditary. Only about 5-10% of all cancers are linked to inherited genetic mutations. Lifestyle factors, environmental exposures, and random cell mutations also play significant roles.

Myth 6: Cancer treatment is always painful and makes you very sick.

Fact: Side effects from treatments might range greatly and are not usually serious. With more targeting of modern medicines, there is less harm done to healthy cells. During treatment, many individuals report tolerable side effects and are able to lead fulfilling lives. Oncologists put a lot of effort into giving patients supportive treatment that reduces discomfort.

Myth 7: Cancer always comes back.

Fact: Cancer is a word that evokes fear and uncertainty, often surrounded by myths and misconceptions that can make an already challenging situation even more daunting. Despite advancements in medical research and treatment, many people still hold outdated or incorrect beliefs about cancer. These myths can impact how individuals approach prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, potentially affecting their health outcomes. Whether it's myths about the causes of cancer, the effectiveness of treatments, or survival rates, we will address these misconceptions and replace them with facts. By demystifying cancer, we hope to empower you with knowledge and encourage a more proactive and realistic approach to this serious disease.

Knowing the facts and myths about cancer is essential to making educated choices about treatment and prevention. Modern treatment is offered by recognized oncology surgeon and cancer specialist Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala in facilities like North Bangalore Hospital, Trust in Hospital, HCG Hospital, and Manipal Hebbal facilities. Because of his expertise with limited access surgical procedures, patients receive state-of-the-art care that accelerates recovery and improves outcomes. Reliable information and knowledgeable medical advice are essential for managing the complexities of cancer care.

Blog Reviewed By: Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala

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